Sometimes Life Happens –

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– just wanted to provide an update for people who follow my blog or just happen to stumble upon it and notice a time lapse on my regular posts:

As you may or may not know, my husband is in the military (go Navy) which means we live in a state away from all of our family and friends that we grew up with.  Because of this, that means we have to go back home to visit or vice versa!  At this time, my dad is visiting (who I haven’t seen in about 3 years) and upon his arrival it was unclear how long he’d be staying.  Of course this wasn’t as issue.  Most people visit for a weekend; 2-3 days.  Currently, my dad arrived last Friday the 4th and now plans on leaving Monday the 14th.  So being that this was a not so planned visit, I also have to balance keeping him entertained while I still have to honor my work schedule and keep my husband occupied while he’s home from work and I’m out.  Needless to say, I’ve been busy.

Even though I don’t have to be entirely responsible for keeping my dad occupied (after all he is a grown man), I do struggle to do my normal things, such as reading or keeping up with my bookstagram.  I don’t know about you, but I’m a pretty routine person – a homebody.  So when something sets off the dynamics of my house, it’s a chain effect and I pretty much don’t do anything that I’d normally do.

That being said, since he’s been here, I’ve only picked up my book once and have taken sporadic pictures for my bookstagram.

So please, bare with me a few more days!  Just a few more days guys!

Happy Reading! xo


2 thoughts on “Sometimes Life Happens –

    Escape By Reading said:
    March 14, 2016 at 8:01 am

    I’m exactly the same when something throws off my schedule. I hope you have a great time while he is there


      thenerdybookmark responded:
      March 14, 2016 at 1:02 pm

      I did, thank you! Yeah, I don’t know why I just change my whole way of living when people are here, haha… but he left yesterday and I’m already back into the swing of my normal everyday life (with a few new changes because he turned me on to some new TV channels lol).


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