emma block

The Adventures of Miss Petitfour by Anne Michaels

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Book Description:

Miss Petitfour enjoys having adventures that are “just the right size – fitting into a single, magical day.” She is an expert at baking and eating fancy iced cakes, and her favorite mode of travel is par avion. On windy days, she takes her sixteen cats out for an airing: Minky, Misty, Taffy, Purrsia, Pirate, Mustard, Moutarde, Hemdela, Earring, Grigorovitch, Clasby, Captain Captain, Captain Catkin, Captain Cothespin, Your Shyness and Sizzles. With the aid of her favorite tea party tablecloth as a makeshift balloon, Miss Petitfour and her charges fly over her village, having many little adventures along the way. Join Miss Petitfour and her equally eccentric felines on five magical outings — a search for marmalade, to a spring jumble sale, on a quest for “birthday cheddar”, the retrieval of a lost rare stamp and as they compete in the village’s annual Festooning Festival. A whimsical, beautifully illustrated collection of tales that celebrates language, storytelling and small pleasures, especially the edible kind!

My Rating:  4/5

**I would like to start off by saying that I received The Adventures of Miss Petitfour by Anne Michaels for free via LibraryThing giveaway in exchange for a review.  Although I am super grateful and excited for any opportunity at receiving a book for free, I am also very strict with being honest.  That being said, giveaways do not impact my reviews.**

Well…. this is one of those “whoopsie” moments.  I entered in giveaway based on the first few words I saw such as “Mary Poppins” and “16 cats” and was sold!  NOT realizing this was a children’s book XD

Either way, I still read it.  This was an adorable book!  I wish my niece were more than 4 months old, cause I’d totally give it to her!  This is a perfect book for a little girl (but not THAT little, let’s face it, she doesn’t even know I’m her aunt yet..).

Can I point out these crazy cute illustrations throughout the book (done by: Emma Block):

And the super cute built in pink ribbon bookmark <3<3 Which is kind of dangerous when you live in a household full of kitties.  I was attacked several times.  You would think someone writing about 16 kitties would kno – WAIT A MINUTE!!




..is the town I hope to live in one day!

And the last thing that I thought was just so neat was how you learn as you read, but this was incorporated in a way that’s fun and being apart of the stories, you don’t feel like your learning (nor would you have to stop to look up the word/definition).  Very thoughtful!

So being this IS a children’s book – I would definitely recommend it to little girls.  Can’t really say an age group because I haven’t been around many kids but I would assume 5-8 years old?  I don’t know.. you tell me 😛

Happy Reading!