gamer girl

Day of the Dragon by Richard A. Knaak

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Book Description:

In the mist-shrouded haze of the past, the world of Azeroth teemed with wondrous creatures of every kind. Mysterious Elves and hardy Dwarves walked among tribes of man in relative peace and harmony – until the arrival of the demonic army known as Burning Legion shattered the world’s tranquility forever.

My Rating: 5/5

I swear this is not just because I’m a Warcraft nut, but because the way this story just ascends! How can you not love Rhonin?! This is the first book I’ve decided to start reading under the Warcraft lore. I’ve played the game for about 8+ years now (I’m getting so olddd, wahhh) and it’s so awesome reading these characters to life that I’ve already come to know. Even if you’re not a player of any of the Warcraft games or don’t even know what it is, I’d still recommend it if you’re in to fantasy/adventure!! If you’re wanting to get in to the Warcraft lore, there’s so many forums out there that argue which book you should actually start out with. I’ve racked my brain and the one I chose to follow along with (because it made the most sense to me) was this one –>

WarCraft Novel Guide

Now you by no means have to follow this, but this is what I’m going by so I thought I’d share!

I already grabbed the “second” book.. I tread lightly with these words…. and I can’t wait to see where this one takes me next (while also comparing Richard Knaak’s writing with Christie Golden’s)!

Happy Reading! ^_^