middle grade

2016 February Wrap Up

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Another bad reading month -_-

Not to make excuses or anything, BUT I have been super busy between everyday life things such as taking care of the household/working to the many, many extras this month such as my husband re-enlisting in the military!  Then this past week, I’ve been battling with my neck everyday and today it was mega dick.  I woke up and thought, “IS THIS REAL LIFE?!”.. I couldn’t move my neck, argh, so much painnnnn!  So needless to say, it’s the first day of March and I haven’t even touched a book yet.  STARTING OFF THE MONTH STRONG GAIZ!  Hopefully I can read a bit tonight, the pain meds have kicked in and I’ve been trying to be as active as possible around the house to keep my muscle from tensing.  Then later, muscle relaxers.  I expect much of you my little white, roundy friend.

Maybe I’ll start another book – the one I’m currently reading is boring me.  But I also want to just finish it to get it out of the way.  The struggle.

Total Books = 4
Average Rating = 3.5

1.) Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas – 4/5
2.) The Painted Lady by Amanda Moncrefe – 0/5
3.) Galadria: Peter Huddleston and the Rites of Passage by Miguel Lopez de Leon – 5/5
4.) Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas – 5/5

Minus the one st00pid book, this was a great month for good books!  Hope you guys did better than moi!

Happy Reading! xo


The Isle of the Lost by Melissa De La Cruz

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Book Description:

Twenty years ago, all the evil villains were banished from the kingdom of Auradon and made to live in virtual imprisonment on the Isle of the Lost. The island is surrounded by a magical force field that keeps the villains and their descendants safely locked up and away from the mainland. Life on the island is dark and dreary. It is a dirty, decrepit place that’s been left to rot and forgotten by the world.

But hidden in the mysterious Forbidden Fortress is a dragon’s eye: the key to true darkness and the villains’ only hope of escape. Only the cleverest, evilest, nastiest little villain can find it…who will it be?

Maleficent, Mistress of the Dark: As the self-proclaimed ruler of the isle, Maleficent has no tolerance for anything less than pure evil. She has little time for her subjects, who have still not mastered life without magic. Her only concern is getting off the Isle of the Lost.

Mal: At sixteen, Maleficent’s daughter is the most talented student at Dragon Hall, best known for her evil schemes. And when she hears about the dragon’s eye, Mal thinks this could be her chance to prove herself as the cruelest of them all.

Evie: Having been castle-schooled for years, Evil Queen’s daughter, Evie, doesn’t know the ins and outs of Dragon Hall. But she’s a quick study, especially after she falls for one too many of Mal’s little tricks.

Jay: As the son of Jafar, Jay is a boy of many talents: stealing and lying to name a few. Jay and Mal have been frenemies forever and he’s not about to miss out on the hunt for the dragon’s eye.

Carlos: Cruella de Vil’s son may not be bravest, but he’s certainly clever. Carlos’s inventions may be the missing piece in locating the dragon’s eye and ending the banishment for good.

Mal soon learns from her mother that the dragon’s eye is cursed and whoever retrieves it will be knocked into a deep sleep for a thousand years. But Mal has a plan to capture it. She’ll just need a little help from her “friends.” In their quest for the dragon’s eye, these kids begin to realize that just because you come from an evil family tree, being good ain’t so bad.

My Rating:  5/5

Hands down.  If you’re a Once Upon A Time TV Series/Disney nut/magical geek like myself, then definitely grab this book (as if you already needed convincing after you’ve SEEN THAT BEAUTIFUL BOOK JACKET – what the heck is that?!).  I had originally intended on grabbing another book that day, but the cover of this book drew me in and once I read that jacket and found out it was about some of Disney’s best evil villain’s children – what?! SUPER DUPER SOLD!  Definitely a younger read, but it’s fun.

I absolutely love the idea of this book!  Not only are there the 4 main characters mentioned above, but there’s random “guest” appearances throughout the story and every time they introduced another, I would just “EEEEEE!!” with excitement!  This was definitely a fun blast-to-the-past read for me.

**Fun Fact:  I found SO many errors from spelling to grammar to extra words.. doesn’t take away from the book but it’ll make you giggle.  See if you can spot them!

Happy Reading! xo